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Don’t Trip on Your Shopify Store: 7 Mistakes to Avoid

A beautiful and charming eCommerce store is an initial and most crucial milestone for any D2C brand. Shopify, which holds a staggering 10% market share in the global ecommerce software market, empowers D2C brand owners to achieve just that.

Here's a fun fact - Netflix, Decathlon, Colour Pop, Fashion Nova, and numerous other colossal global brands have chosen Shopify for their store setup.

Now, the question arises: How can you harness the full potential of your Shopify store?

The answer lies in eliminating the small yet significant mistakes throughout the process.

In this blog, we, therefore, plan to discuss 7 key mistakes that we have observed business owners make while setting up Shopify stores, and more importantly, how to address them.

Let's pick 'em up…

#1 Ignoring Mobiles

Let's face it: our phones have become an extension of ourselves. We rely on them for everything, from checking the weather to ordering our favorite products online. That's why it's crucial to give your Shopify store a mobile friendly design display, that is optimized for hand-held devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Did you know – mobile commerce makes up more than half of all e-commerce sales and more than half of the global web traffic is generated from mobiles?

Source – Statista

And we are not just saying this. Ask yourself – What do you use the most to shop online, laptop or mobile? Or for that matter, any other device or mobile?

You would not want to abandon a potential customer who just found your store while scrolling through his phone just because your website won’t load.

To ensure a seamless experience for your mobile customers, you need to prioritize mobile optimization. Choose a mobile-friendly theme that adapts beautifully to different devices and screen sizes.

Don't forget to put your store to the test! Grab your own smartphone, borrow your friend's tablet, and see how your store looks and functions across various devices. Trust us, it's worth the effort.

If you wish to go a little extra mile, try running an A/B test to find out what works best for your store and aligns with the needs of mobile users.

By embracing mobile responsiveness, you're not just preventing high bounce rates and missed conversion opportunities, you're also showing your customers that you value their experience and want to make their shopping journey as smooth as possible.

#2 Setting Up Shopify Store Without the Much-Needed Research

Setting up your Shopify store without conducting thorough research is like going on a blindfolded treasure hunt. You might stumble upon a gem or two, but eventually, you are only going to draw confusion.

So, before you start setting up a Shopify store, take a step back and give research its due diligence.

First and foremost, get to know your target audience. Who are they? What are their interests, needs, and pain points? Understanding your customers is like getting the insider scoop on their preferences. This can also help you decide on the Shopify theme you might want to choose.

Investigating your competitors can be another task. What strategies are they using to succeed? What sets them apart? By studying the success stories (and even the not-so-successful ones) of others in your industry, you can gain valuable insights and inspiration for your own store.

But research isn't just about looking outward. It's also about looking inward. Take the time to analyze your own strengths, weaknesses, and unique value proposition. What makes your brand special? How can you leverage that to stand out in a crowded market? Uncovering these answers will help you carve your own path to success.

Meanwhile, don't forget to keep your finger on the pulse of industry trends. Stay up to date with the latest innovations, shifts in consumer behavior, and emerging technologies. This knowledge will not only keep you ahead of the curve but also give you the opportunity to tap into new opportunities and adapt your strategies accordingly.

Lastly, leverage the power of user feedback. Engage with your target audience, listen to their thoughts, and learn from their experiences. Their insights can provide invaluable guidance for refining your store and delivering an exceptional customer experience.

#3 Choosing the Wrong Theme or Template

The allure of themes and templates is tempting. It's like stepping into a candy store with endless options, each one promising to make your Shopify store shine.

But choosing one just because one is an eye candy can be a real bummer.

Think of your theme as the outfit your store wears. It's the first impression your customers get when they step into your online shop. So, you want to make sure it's a good fit, both visually and functionally.

  • One of the biggest blunders is selecting a theme that doesn't align with your brand identity. Imagine a mismatched ensemble—like wearing a Hawaiian shirt to a black-tie event. It just doesn't work! Your theme should reflect your brand's personality, values, and aesthetics. It's an opportunity to showcase your uniqueness and create a memorable experience for your customers.

  • Additionally, you also want to create a user experience that makes your customers feel like they are strolling through a well-organized boutique. So, pay close attention to how the theme showcases your products. Is it intuitive to navigate? Does it provide clear and easy-to-use filters? Can customers easily find what they're looking for? These are the questions you need to ask yourself.

  • Don’t forget to choose a theme that loads quickly and can be customized to create a fast and personalized store.

Source – Comscore

  • While making your store look appealing and friendly to your customers, do not forget the technical stuff! Ensure that your chosen theme is compatible with search engine crawlers and that you SEO your Shopify well. After all, you want both the customers and search engines to love your store equally.

#4 Not Regularly Updating and Maintaining the Store

Imagine walking into a brick-and-mortar store that looks like it's stuck in a time warp. Dusty shelves, outdated posters, and products from yesteryear. Not exactly the kind of place that screams "Come in and shop!" Well, the same goes for your Shopify store if you neglect to update and maintain it regularly.

Your online store needs attention and maintenance just like an offline store to stand out from the whooping 1.12 billion websites on the Internet. This involves:

  • Regularly updating your inventory with fresh and enticing offerings. Show your customers that you're always on the lookout for the latest trends and innovations.

  • Refresh your visuals periodically to reflect your brand's evolving style. Update your banners, product images, and overall aesthetics to keep your store looking current and engaging. A little facelift can go a long way in capturing your customers' attention and making them want to explore more.

  • Regularly optimizing your site's performance like fixing broken links, updating product descriptions with trending keywords, etc.

Lucky for you, Shopify provides a treasure trove of analytics tools to help you navigate data. Dive into the numbers, gain insights into customer behavior, and identify areas for improvement. This enables you to make data-driven decisions that enhance your store's performance and optimize the overall customer experience.

#5 Failing to Incorporate Social Proof

One of the most common mistakes that new business owners make while setting up Shopify store is failing to incorporate social proof.

Displaying social proof taps on the human tendency of making a decision drawn by peer user's judgement, or you can say, utilizing the psychological phenomenon of positive feedback.

Source – Fan & Fuel

One of the most impactful ways to incorporate social proof is by displaying customer reviews, testimonials, and ratings prominently in your store. Nowadays customers are really driven by photo and video reviews as it provides them with a more realistic view of the product.

Additionally, trust badges, certifications, and endorsements are also effective social proof elements. Showcasing industry accolades or partnerships with reputable organizations adds an extra layer of credibility to your brand.

#6 Not Providing Sufficient Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are like the storytellers of your online shop, as a regular visitor to your store is expected to spend an average of 15 seconds reading the content of the website which may even increase by 20 seconds if implemented thoughtfully. They have the power to captivate your customers, showcase the unique features of your products, and convince them to hit that "add to cart" button.

  • First things first, details matter. Customers want to know what they're getting, and they want it spelled out clearly. Take the time to provide thorough and accurate descriptions that highlight the key features, benefits, and value propositions of each product.

  • Instead of simply stating the facts, evoke emotions, create a sense of desire, and ignite curiosity. Show your customers how your product can solve their problems, meet their needs, or bring joy to their lives.

  • Incorporate relevant keywords in your descriptions to improve your store's visibility in search engine results. Think about the words your customers are likely to use when searching for products like yours. By aligning your product descriptions with these keywords, you can attract organic traffic and increase the chances of your products being discovered.

#7 Poor Navigation and Site Structure

Poor navigation and site structure can be a downer for businesses. As per a study by Baymard, 17% of users abandon their shopping cart just because they find out the navigation to checkout is too long or complicated.

So what can you do?

  • First and foremost, prioritize simplicity. Implement clear and concise menus that guide visitors effortlessly through your store. Organize your products into logical categories that make sense to your customers. Think about their journey and how they would naturally navigate through your offerings. By providing intuitive categorization, you remove the roadblocks that could hinder their shopping experience.

  • Another vital aspect is searching for functionality. We all know the power of a good search bar. Make sure your store has a robust search feature that allows visitors to find specific products quickly. Consider implementing advanced filters and sorting options to help customers narrow down their search results. Remember, time is precious, and the easier it is for your customers to find what they want, the happier they'll be.

  • Minimize the number of steps required to complete a purchase. Nobody likes filling out endless forms or jumping through hoops. Keep it simple, concise, and user-friendly. Consider offering guest checkout options to cater to customers who prefer a swift purchasing experience. And don't forget to provide multiple payment options to accommodate different preferences.


Setting up Shopify store requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. By avoiding the mistakes discussed in this blog and implementing best practices, you can create an optimized Shopify store that attracts and converts customers. However, if you are feeling overwhelmed and stuck with all this information, we are here to help. The Shopify website development experts at Design Process can not only guide you with your Shopify store setup journey but also help you make informed and clever decisions.

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