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4 Things You Cannot Afford to Miss in Your Direct Marketing Strategy

There are many different channels available to do direct marketing like brochures, kiosks, telemarketing, and so on and on. However, in the context of digital platforms, emails, push notifications, and SMS are the three main players whose effectiveness is far beyond words.

With the mobile devices' saturation worldwide reaching 15 billion, EPS – Email, Push Notifications, and SMS are just the perfect way to engage with your customers since all three of them are handy in mobile.

In this article, we are going to share four sure-shot activities that you must include in your direct marketing strategy for the efficient delivery of your marketing emails, push notifications, and SMS.

Mind the frequency

The frequency at which you reach out to customers in direct marketing can vary depending on your business and the type of products or services you offer. However, in general, it is important to strike a balance between keeping in touch with your customers and bombarding them with too many messages.

A good rule of thumb is to touch base with your customers regularly, but not so frequently that it becomes a nuisance. It's also good to track your customer engagement and monitor customer feedback, that way you can adjust the frequency of your reach-out accordingly.

A general guideline for the frequency at which you send emails, push notifications, and SMS in direct marketing is:


It is recommended to send 1-2 emails per week in email marketing to maintain engagement with your audience. Sending too many emails can lead to unsubscribes and spam complaints.

Push notifications:

The frequency of push notifications will depend on the type of service or product you offer. For example, if you have an e-commerce store, you may want to send push notifications for sales or new products. However, if you have a service that doesn't change frequently, you may only need to send push notifications once a week.


As SMS has a higher open rate than other forms of direct marketing, you can send up to 3 messages per week without annoying customers. But it is advisable to be more cautious with SMS marketing, as they are less filtered than emails and can be more intrusive.

Perform A/B testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method used to compare two versions of a web page, marketing campaign, or product feature to determine which one performs better. The goal is to optimize the elements of the page, campaign, or feature for maximum performance and conversions.

Here's how you can do A/B testing:

Define the goals of the test:

Identify the key metric you want to improve, such as click-through rate, conversion rate, or engagement.

Identify the elements to test:

Determine which elements of the page, campaign, or feature you want to test, such as headlines, images, call-to-action buttons, or form fields.

Create the variations:

Create two or more versions of the page, campaign, or feature, with different variations of the elements you want to test.

Set up the test:

Use a tool like Google Optimize, Optimizely, or VWO to set up the A/B testing. Make sure to set the test parameters, such as the percentage of visitors who will see each variation and the length of the test.

Run the test:

Start the test and collect data on the performance of each variation.

Analyze the results:

Review the data from the test to determine which variation performed better. Use this information to make improvements to the page, campaign, or feature for better performance.

Implement the winning variation:

Once the test is complete, use the winning variation for your page, campaign, or feature to ensure maximum performance and conversions.

Automation can be a helping hand

Automation is a great way to work efficiently since it saves valuable human efforts in doing monotonous marketing activities and concentrates on much more important tasks.

Here are some daily direct marketing activities that you should consider automating:

Abandoned cart series

An abandoned cart series is a series of automated email messages that are sent to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts on an e-commerce website. These emails are designed to remind customers of the items they left in their cart and encourage them to complete their purchases. They may include personalized product recommendations, special offers, or other incentives to encourage the customer to return to the website and complete the purchase. The series may consist of multiple emails sent at different intervals, such as the day after the cart was abandoned, a week later, and a final email before the items are removed from the cart.

Browsing abandonment series

The browsing abandonment series refers to a set of metrics that track the number of visitors who leave a website before completing a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. This metric is often used to measure the effectiveness of a website's design and navigation, as well as the relevance and appeal of its content. Browsing abandonment series can be tracked over time to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Welcome series

Welcome series in eCommerce refers to a series of automated email messages that are sent to new customers immediately after they make their first purchase. These emails are designed to welcome the customer, confirm their order, provide any relevant information about the purchase, and encourage them to engage with the brand or make future purchases. The goal of a welcome series in email marketing is to build customer loyalty and increase customer retention.

New customer series

New customer series in e-commerce refers to a series of targeted marketing efforts and actions that are designed to attract and convert new customers to an online store or e-commerce platform. This may include email campaigns, social media promotions, referral programs, and other marketing strategies that are specifically designed to reach and engage potential customers who have not yet purchased from the store. These efforts are typically aimed at building brand awareness and trust, encouraging potential customers to visit the store and explore its products, and ultimately converting them into paying customers.

Repeat customer series

Repeat customer series in email marketing refers to a series of transactions made by the same customer over time. This can include multiple purchases of the same product or different products, as well as repeat visits to a website or store. These customers are considered valuable to businesses as they have already demonstrated a willingness to make purchases and may be more likely to make future purchases as well.

Customer feedback series

Customer feedback series in e-commerce refers to a series of actions taken by an online retailer to gather and use customer feedback to improve their products, services, and overall customer experience. This can include asking for customer reviews, conducting surveys, hosting focus groups, and analyzing customer data to identify trends and patterns in customer behavior. By regularly gathering and acting on customer feedback, eCommerce businesses can identify areas for improvement and make changes that will lead to increased customer satisfaction and retention.

Keep a standard design for your strategy

Since direct marketing is a repetitive task, setting up a standard design for your strategy can save a lot of time in your hand.

Here are a few ways you can set up a standard design:


Use the recipient's name in the subject line and greeting to make the message feel more personal.


Keep the message short and to the point. Avoid using too much text or lengthy paragraphs.

Call to Action:

Include a clear and compelling call to action, such as "Sign up now" or "Buy today".


Optimize your message for different devices and platforms, such as mobile and desktop.


Segment your audience based on demographics, behavior, or past purchases. This will help you create targeted messages that are more relevant to each group.


Schedule your messages to be sent at a time when the recipient is most likely to be checking their inbox or mobile device.


Test different subject lines, messages, and calls to action to see which ones perform the best.


Include a clear opt-out option in your messages, so recipients can unsubscribe if they no longer wish to receive communications from you.


Follow all applicable laws and regulations related to direct marketing, such as the CAN-SPAM Act for email and the TCPA for SMS.


Use analytics to track the effectiveness of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

Summing up…

You must keep in account the above-mentioned strategies for extracting better performance from your direct marketing strategy. These strategies will help you ensure smooth and effective delivery of the overall EPS.

Do remember that EPS strategy varies from business to business and what works for one, may not work for another. So, to drive better results, keep experimenting and improving. You can alter your direct marketing strategy as per the unique needs of your business by taking the help of experts who provide d2c solutions.

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